Thursday 29 February 2024

How do you make a good impression at a first meeting?


Making a positive first impression is crucial, whether you’re meeting new connections, potential employers, or customers. Here are 14 tips to help you put your best foot forward:

  1. Arrive Early: Punctuality matters. Being 15 minutes early shows respect and gives you time to settle in and prepare.
  2. Be Empathetic: Understand and share feelings with others. Show genuine interest and form a connection.
  3. Actively Listen: Give your complete attention. Avoid repeating questions and demonstrate engagement.
  4. Mind Your Body Language: Keep an open posture, lean in when talking, and take up space.
  5. Modulate Your Voice: Adjust pitch and tone for clarity and warmth.
  6. Choose Your Words Wisely: Be mindful of what you say.
  7. Dress the Part: Dress appropriately for the occasion.
  8. Make Eye Contact: It conveys confidence and attentiveness.
  9. Know Your Audience: Tailor your communication style to match theirs.
  10. Come Prepared: Research beforehand and be ready to contribute.
  11. Be Authentic: Be yourself; authenticity is memorable.
  12. Put Your Phone Away: Focus on the interaction.
  13. Make a Connection: Pay attention and find common ground.
  14. Follow Up: Don’t forget to follow up after the meeting1.

Remember, a good first impression sets the stage for meaningful interactions! 🤝

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